Vpa Architect
Ar. Vipul Patel
Vipul C. Patel commenced his practice in the field of architecture in 1994. He is the proud founder of Vipul Patel Architects (VPA).
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Vipul Patel Aarchitects (VPA) was found in 1994, by Ar. Vipul Patel. VPA has commendably completed various projects in the field of architecture, interior designing, landscape designing and product designing. Aesthetics and practicality are at par in all our works. The projects are an amalgamation of interesting ideas, great team work and fresh creativity, since the involvement of the second generation of architects from the family.
Mr. Vipul C. Patel commenced his practice in the field of architecture in 1994. He is the proud founder of Vipul Patel Architects (VPA). His love for teaching and spreading the knowledge gave him honour of becoming a jury member at A+D CERA International awards in 2014, in the category of residential projects. Mr. Ronak M. Patel started his architectural practice in 2010. Being enthusiastic about his work, he attributes greatly to the development of the firm with fresh and young energy. Strong-minded, keenly focused and practical are some of his strong positives that also reflect in the works he does.
Mrs. Jinal R. Patel specializes in landscape designing ( NYIAD, USA ), she helps VPA grow further into that horizon. Being immensly creative and having the ability to think out-of-the-box are her stand outs. She is also an artist, whose works are a part of most of the projects headed by VPA. Ms. Naiya V. Patel focusses minutely on interior design and product design, as she loves being creatively inclined in all aspects of design. Having studied abroad (ENSAPB, Paris and then Deakin Melbourne), the travel experience is often reflected in the designs and projects that are headed by her.